Foundation Statistics

Foundation statistics never change which is why they are the foundation of your characters tabletop systems. We put a higher value on other statistics but these do play apart in most tabletop systems.

Strength (ST) Physical strength is the measure of force on physical objects.
Speed (SP) The time rate at which one moves position in any direction.
Agility (AG) Ability to rapidly change position of the entire body with speed and accuracy.
Endurance (ED) The ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity.
Size Class (SC) Combined components of physical height and volume.

Creating Foundation Stats

Take some time to do research on your characters' breed(s) and where they would belong on the spectrum of statistics. You will base their foundation stats upon your findings and what you feel would suit them best based on their body type and abilities.

Numerical Stats

These stats have a maximum amount of useable points across the board. The combined total of ST, SP, AG, and ED cannot be more than 20 for ghosts and 30 for spirits.

Aim for some aspect of realism; just because your Arabian characters persona is a warrior does not mean that their strength is a 10. Also take into consideration any disabilities they may have such as but not limited to: blind, deaf, arthritic. Characters with disabilities/defects/etc. will likely not use all 20 or 30 points due to penalties and some may not even use all 20 or 30 at player discretion.

Size Classes

Size class looks at body build type which is a combination of both volume and height. While you can specify an actual body type in a DETAILS profile field this one is strategic to adding bonuses and/or penalties to certain mechanics.

  • Extra Small – For extremely short and small breeds.
    • Examples: Shetland Pony, Miniature Donkey, Miniature Horse, Falabella

  • Small – For shorter and/or very lithe/scrawny breeds.
    • Examples: Arabian, Morgan, Marwari, Donkey

  • Medium – For common sized horses or breeds with a little muscle.
    • Examples: Thoroughbred, Quarter Horse, Holsteiner, Hanoverian, Dutch Warmblood, Standardbred

  • Large – For heavier common sized horses or draft crosses; thicker/heavier breeds with muscle and power.
    • Examples: Haflinger, Andalusian, Friesian, Irish Draught

  • Extra Large – For drafts or very thick/heavy breeds, think powerhouses.
    • Examples: Dutch Draft, Percheron, Belgian, Clydesdale, Shire,

Attribution Statistics

Attribution stats change based on development but only SS, PP and Bonuses require the player to keep track of them.

Soul Shards (SS)

These indicate the amount of soul a character has left and once they are gone they are gone forever.

Players can choose to start with any number of SS that pleases them.

Phases Imagery
Prosperity Points (PP)

Prosperity points are earned by sucessful outcomes in magic use OR physical altercations but are not earned by crafting or general physical interactions.

All characters start at 0 PP.
Level (LVL)

Calculated by the combination of PP and in character post count (actual in game activity).

Phases Imagery
Repuation (REP)

Is determined by fellow characters and their interactions with your character. Positive and negative reputations will cancel each other out. This can affect a characters anonymity in some ways.

Economic Class (EC)

States a characters financial situation and really holds no weight other than the economic class becoming public knowledge if shared.


Points put towards specific numerical foundation stats earned by a multitude of things. While not common they can be obtained and will create favor in dice.


Soul Shards

A soul is made up of one hundred shards. Each of these shards generate a characters physical and spiritual presence in the afterlife. Upon surfacing in the afterlife almost all characters have 100 shards; 100% of their soul. However, sometimes players choose to start lower and that is fine! The character just won't have as many chances at respawning as other will.

Shards can never be gained and can only be lost. Once they are gone, they are gone forever. Shards are lost when passing away, the phenomenon of collapsing realms, and sometimes lost when using magic. But that is not an all inclusive list, there may be other things.

Losing shards can have different effects to a characters physical or mental state; this we leave up to player discreation and creativity. Lost soul shards are also sometimes used as a penalty in certain rolls.

Prosperity Points

These are the accumulation of luck/achievement points for certain mechanics. PP will help boost a characters level and sometimes even adds an extra bonus for rolls.

This stat has no max, it will continue to grow with luck/achievements until the character passes away permanently.


Engagement and activity matters here so we have based our leveling system around a characters written post count and their prosperity. Each level will come with its own bonus for certain rolls!


  • One – Less than or equal to 50.
  • Two – Less than or equal to 150.
  • Three – Less than or equal to 350.
  • Four – Less than or equal to 650.
  • Five – Greater than or equal to 651.


This nifty feature is given to a specific post/interaction. Repuation votes are given by characters and not players! These should always be given from a characters point of view/words, write them as if they were speaking. This is their opinion of that character's feat and not the character as a whole and can only be given if your character is a participant of that thread.

Characters with a very low negative repuation or a very high positive repuation may find their feats, name, or some other details flowing through the "grape vine"; which basically means other characters can hear of or know of your character without having an actual interaction with them. But they will not know specific details without having actually heard them through IC interactions.

These numbers indicate anonymity compromise:

  • - 25 – Not very well liked and spoken poorly of most likely.
  • + 25 – Liked/respected and spoken highly of most likely.

Economic Class

This stat really doesn't hold any weight. It simply states a characters financial situation as public knowledge but ONLY if you opt in to share this through the "CONFIG - Display Economic Class" field. A characters actual count of gold will never be publicly displayed, only their class!


  • Broke – Less than or equal to 500ℊ.
  • Poor – Less than or equal to 1,500ℊ.
  • Middle – Less than or equal to 2,500ℊ.
  • Wealthy – Less than or equal to 3,500ℊ.
  • Right – Greater than or equal to 3,501ℊ.

Gold is accrued many different ways but selling goods or services is a fantastic way to bump up the economic class and reputation.

Bonus Stats

Throughout time here characters may earn or lose bonus stat points based on in character achievements and losses. These are attributed to the numerical foundation stats only which means that they do play favor in dice.

Bonuses can be earned at random with certain site official events, awards, or other things. However, they can also be earned through skills and certain group ranks.

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