
Often bands are smaller groups of souls that have gathered together for an individual purpose. It could be a herd, faction, religious sector, army, business, or something entirely different. These congregations of individuals under certain ideoligies can be created by anyone with any purpose, rules, regulations, etc. that they desire. There are no requirements, activity or other, in order to keep a band up and available.

Bands may be browsed within the Bands board of the Wiki!


Bands may be created within the Bands board of the Wiki! This can be done even if there are no members other than the leader at the time of creation.

Additional Details

Change of Hands

Bands cannot be taken by any means other than voluntary change of leadership. Band members may be recruited elsewhere and encouraged to step away from a band but they cannot be forced out by any character without the rank authority to do so.

Voluntary changes of leadership are not monitored but the structure of leadership will define how hands are changed. If there is more than one leader then all leaders need to agree OR the individual that has claimed primary leadership will make the choice.


Things happen, tensions rise sometimes, and that is okay because we all love a little spice. A band can go to war with another band, or even a group, at any time over anything they wish but wars are conducted by the choices of leadership; band members cannot initiate wars themselves.


To keep things simple wars are conducted through one on one fights between group/band members but players of leaders will need to choose the fighting characters and where the battlefield is.

Additionally, an equal amount of characters per side must be chosen for the battlefield, and their players must be willing to participate. Players of leaders can chat amongst themselves about deciding which characters go against others but if peaceful negotiation is not working the management team will prepare randomized choices via a generator online.

1x1 Altercations

Due to the nature of wars, and their impending outcome, these altercations will be set via a fixed amount of rounds with a one week timer between posts.

  • 6 rounds which is a total of 6 posts per fighter in the thread.

  • After each post a one week timer is set, if an individual does not respond in that time frame a forfeiture is initiated.

The character with the highest amount of successful hits wins. If both characters have equal hits then the one with the least amount of damage (highest health) will take winner.


Wars are initiated for a reason. Whatever that reason is there must be an outcome chosen by each side that will be delivered to the winning side.

Outcomes can be anything, including the dissolve of the opposing group. Outcomes do not have to be expressly agreed upon and can be a secret until the war is over! This keeps things spicy and we're okay with that.

If leadership of an opposing group/band decides to decline war then a one on one with said leader may be initated without SCD. Should the instigator succeed the opposing characters entire group/band will be dissolved (even if there are multiple leaders). Declining war is not really an option unless they are willing to roll the dice themselves for their reign.

