World Information
A collaborative writing forum for fantasy equus genus play-by-post role playing. Characters written here experience a whole new reality after their death that they may, or may not, remember. This is not a kind world and it is not considered stable either. Packed full of chaos, confusion, dark terrors, and more your character will most likely face trials they have never faced before. Though unforgiving this world does offer many “last chances”, death can occur many times until their soul is depleted all together. Amidst all of that which they must digest, the society here has learned to function almost as mortals.
ERPG is propelled forward solely by in character activity; the collaborative imaginations of our writers. We give all of our members the tools to truly be a part of in game growth and change. If you’re looking for a world that only has the bare basics laid out but the rest is up to your imagination, we are the right fit for you! We’re somewhere along the lines of a sandbox style game but with the necessary details to keep things from growing too stagnant.
Rating: 3-2-3
Age Requirement: 18+ – Mature adults looking to escape the real world and write fantasy pixel ponies.
Word Count: Absolutely none! Quality over quantity.
Suitability Test
If you like any of the following aspects you will fit in perfectly!
- The overall world takes place in an afterlife dimension giving plenty of room for you to:
- Factory reset a character (memory wipe).
- Write their final story.
- Bring together loved ones that have passed on.
- or whatever else
- Your agreement to consequences or confrontational interactions for your character does not matter here! We favor in-character consequences and realism to true character natures.
- Hands off administration. Everything has been designed with tabletop mechanics and self configurable contributions/settings. You will move at your own pace, on your own time. No waiting for staff to approve/manage: applications, judgements, rank changes, usergroup changes, etc. etc.
- Extensible world for plug and play.
- Uncontrolled character designs – restriction free as long as they are within the confines of equus genus.
- Tabletop interactions for all mechanics. This removes the possibility of bias and sets focus towards character base stats and their in game revolving stats (such as level) that upgrade with time and involvement in the game.
- All welcome, open writing, concept where private threads are forbidden. We believe in community and writing beyond just your circle of friends.