ERPG is a fantasy equus genus play by post role play game where characters trek through their next journey in the afterlife. This world is not kind and is rather unforgiving but there is a poetic balance to their last dance. Despite death, the beings here have begun to mend themselves and mold this world as if their souls were still mortal. The ever evolving new existence is propelled forward by in game development and collaboration amongst writers; we all have a chance to change their world.
18+ Community // Equus Genus // Fantasy Setting // Open Writing Concept
As a guest you will have very limited access to the content on our site due to our age requirement. If you would like full access to the site you will need to create a member account and activate it, this is the only way that we can verify you are of age to view.
If you choose to create an account to check things out further but decide you don't wish to stay or participate you will never be pressured into doing such. But the account will always be here, waiting for you, if it has been activated. If it has not been activated it will be deleted after 120 days.
Groups are a bit different than bands. Once a band grows large enough in power and number they have the option to become a group. Which, in simple terms, is a band that has been recognized and given favor to by Essentia Mortis. Being a part of a group can come with benefits and perks but in order to keep a group within the favor of Essentia the group must have a fairly active member base alongside some type of impression amongst the afterlife.
Groups may be browsed in the Groups board of the Wiki! But if your band is eligible to become an officiated group you will need to go through the process of activating it as such. These details are outlined below.
Please note that both the activity and amount of groups numbers will fluctuate based on site activity and active character counts. We will do our best to make sure these maintain realistically achievable numbers.
All groups start as bands and must have a foundation as a band that has built itself up in time. This means that before you can request a group be made the band must have at least two months of activity collecting members, making a name for themselves, and ensuring the band meets the required active members baseline. If any band members are apart of an already formed group their activity will not count towards formation unless they pledge their allegience to this band by removing themselves from the opposing group.
Group leader(s) choose the bonus stats and where they can be allocated when forming the group. These choices cannot be changed later on!
Bonus stats are not automatic which means players will need to make the necessary adjustments to the characters bonus stat fields (either upon formation, joining, or promotion) while also recording these changes in development logs. This also means that if a character loses their rank (leader or otherwise) that it must be recorded immediately.
Group Bank
On the first day of each out of character month groups earn 50ℊ per group member.
It is up to group leaders, or helpful members of the group, to keep up with the groups bank records via the Wiki! Additionally group gold is treated as manual income which means when the group decides to dispurse this gold please fill out the appropriate form here.
Unlike bands, which cannot be taken from a band leader, groups can be taken by: force, succession, or any other planned/unplanned event creativity deems necessary.
A character that wishes to initiate a forceful takeover must fight their way to the top by succeeding in an altercation with the leader. In the case there are multiple leaders, and the character wishes to be a solitary leader, then each leader must be brought down through altercation successfully.
No matter the type of takeover changes are allowed if all current leaders agree upon said changes. Groups may be rebranded, gifted a whole new territory, force out members, restructure, etc.
Things happen, tensions rise sometimes, and that is okay because we all love a little spice. A group can go to war with another group, or even a band, at any time over anything they wish but wars are conducted by the choices of leadership; group members cannot initiate wars themselves.
If leadership of an opposing group/band decides to decline war then a one on one with said leader may be initated without SCD. Should the instigator succeed the opposing characters entire group/band will be dissolved (even if there are multiple leaders). Declining war is not really an option unless they are willing to roll the dice themselves for their reign.