Character Creation

We like to boast about the minimal amount of effort it actually takes to get a character set up and going here. Shove some details here, click a few things here, copy paste a log entry, write their first spawning post, click "activate" and bam you're set to go. Just like that. Seriously, thats it. It's all automated. No application. No bullshit. Get to writing when you're ready!

Get It Done

  1. Sign up using the character's name. All accounts here are individual, aka "account per character".
    • We encourage full names for characters but if you lack a last name or even a middle name for your character, just their first is fine. This helps differentiate with duplicate first names or similar names.
    • Usernames cannot contain "titles". Typically formatted as "the XXX". Usernames must be the name only. User titles can be set after registration if they have one.

  2. Hit up the User CP and edit your characters profile, fill out all the fields marked as "DETAILS".
    • The reference image is not required.
    • If the character is not a product of our Procreation mechanic their essence type is Ghost, if they are the product of on site procreation then they are a Spirit.
    • The appearance section must, at bare minimum, address the key features of a character. The color(s), items, clothing, scars, etc. anything you would expect other players to note/address properly. Feel free to use bullet points or whatever else; no specific requirements for word count or length it can be a hot mess of dropped information if you want.

  3. Next take a gander at the Stats & Exp page! Figure out what fits your character best and then go enter those numbers in the "STATS" fields.

  4. Check out some of the other profile fields and see if you're interested in filling them out. If not, cool. Whatever. Next.

  5. You will need to create your characters Required Logs.

  6. Initiate your characters arrival here by create their first spawning in The Depths.

  7. Last of all you will go to the Activate Account page (availabe in the main navigation menu), choose "Character Account". This page will tell you if you've completed all the necesary steps, if you have you will be able to activate the account with just a click of a button.

Useful Details

There isn't all that much information in relation to what you must do to create your character but with good reason; we don't really care all that much about fancy in depth profiles with word counts attached to fields. However, you might have some questions in regards to certain aspects, these sections might cover those questions but if not the Maintenance & Help board is here for you.

Age Is Useless

Age has no relevant function here, characters will live and die probably several times here, but you are welcome to keep track of it in your own way on your own time schedule.

Extreme Changes

We allow changes to a characters appearance, personality alignment, name, etc. under the impression it remains unique to the one individual character. That means any changes you make, especially upon respawning where significant changes can occur, must remain partial to the original character. You cannot use one account to play multiple different characters and benefit from the accounts statistics, experience, or other game mechanics that have upgraded with time and IC achievements.

Soul Embedded Passive Magic

Passive magic is anything of a simplistic nature that either attaches itself to a character's appearance or their ability to interact with others or the environment (in a simplistic/mild way). This type of magic does not require the magic tabletop system and is just instead considered a part of the character's core and has no consequences.

Aesthetic Examples
  • floating, glowing, halo
  • translucent or chameleon body
Interactive Examples
  • telepathic communication if unable to speak verbally
  • mild telekinesis to dress/undress, move smaller objects, or essentially act as hands instead of hooves (lift clothing, put on items, pick up a pen, etc.)
  • floating hippocampus across land to go places


These nifty little creatures have become a pretty core part of equine RP's over the last several years. You've probably got loads of art, history, or other important things attached to your characters companion(s) and we don't wish to keep that at bay so we have blessed you with endless -but useless- companions.

We consider companions a form of passive magic because while they are allowed (to any extent of species/amount) they don't actually exist in this dimension. Instead they are replicated by a characters imagination/memory and then projected into this world. Note that companions are not solid objects because they are projections of the mind. They are nothing more than a mirage and are absolutely useless beyond moral/emotional support. They cannot exist anywhere your character is not!

You can include information about companions in a wiki entry, the characters profile, or not at all. Totally up to you!


Due to the nature of the way realms work here, surviving on soul energy, we have to mark characters inactive if they have not actively participated in the game for 120 days which is basically 4 months (checks post count). Characters that have gone inactive can easily be reactivated via the Account Activation panel.

Inactive characters are assumed lost in the Dreamscape and remain in a limbo state there.


As a member of this community you will be solely responsible for ensuring your characters time here is recorded acurrately. We require transparency that makes sense and remains true to the characters progress in this game.

To ensure integrity with this approach, allowing you to do all the things you need to do without staff intervention, we have introduced two different types of logs that will track a characters development and mechanical engagements throughout their time here. For further information read the Required Logs page.