5/19/23 to Present
When the Inferno Catacomb Chasms appeared its essence spilled through the Ethereal Reach. The shockwave of this magic was felt deeply by Essentia Mortis, regarding its arrival as not only unusual but disconnected. It did not take long for this afterlife’s sovereign to realize that the realm which appeared was not of this world but clung to its UCE as if it was.
Puzzled by its appearance Essentia made way through this new dimension making note of the raw power radiating in its center. The specifics of what happened upon this investigation are unknown to all except Balros, the favored draconian creation of Essentia, but it is certain that this realm caused great concern and even fear for the sovereign. Which in turn caused Balros to become unusually active. Sightings of this dragon watching the cave that leads to the Inferno’s portal are very common now. It is almost as if he is waiting for something to emerge…
As time passes the world that so many have come to just slightly understand begins to unravel new chaos and perplexing activity. Some are beginning to feel Essentia's absence and all they have to look to now is a crany unstable dragon.- ERPG Official (Wiki Records)
Current Activity
Some characters have found themselves pulled towards the new realm while others have found themselves feeling completely concerned about it to the point their anxiety consumes them. The goal of Part 2. - It Beckons is for someone to find what is begging to be found.
- Certain persona alignments will lean towards exploration while others will lean towards steering clear of the chasms if not assisting Balros in keeping others out.
- Additionaly persona alignments play apart in the dice that determine a characters progression in the SWP.
- The first character to finish 10 successful rounds will push the SWP forward into its next phase. However, there will be three winners this round that we will receive super duper secret prizes!