Site News & Revamp Coming
it is i, the breaker of things

Site News

E has been trucking along nicely and we are very excited about the new faces and of course all of the new characters!

SWP Part 2 - Stagnance

This portion of the SWP seems to have fallen a bit stagnant. This is likely to do with the complicated process of including NPC’s into threads. I’ll be speaking with the rest of the team on alternative ways to go forward with this section in regards to NPC’s. I think it would probably be best to move forward without requiring NPC responses but to instead allow folks to just play it out via the post as part of their attempt. Taking out the middleman to speed along discovery. The dice mechanics for this may also alter. Stay tuned, the update for this will come shortly and linked via the announcement bars.

Although I'm sure some of the slowness here also has to do with summertime. I'm convinced its just an insanely busy season for all.

Administration Changes

Due to time restraints and real life in general two of our lovely Game Managers, Rien and illegal, have stepped down. I’d like to personally thank them for their dedication and time spent with E as my very first team members. I do hope that life treats you all fairly. <3

Ariela, Spoopi, and ThatOneWeirdo joined the team some time back and while I gave them a shoutout on Discord I haven’t done one here! Please welcome them all to the GM team!

Additionally, I have made the decision to promote Spoopi to Game Master. As a long time trusted friend I know that Spoopi will not only be helpful to me but to the dream for E as well. Thank you Spoopi for this long lasting friendship and for happily accepting the offer to nurture E alongside me.

Discord Issues

We previously made use of an auto role sync plugin that gave users the member role after inputting their Discord tag into their profile. Unfortunately this plugin crapped out after Discord rolled out the new username styles.

I went digging and purchased an API based plugin that should have solved this issue but did not. The plugin developer was keeping me updated on their fixes but has not responded in some time. I am not sure if I wasted money or not but I will keep you updated.

For the time being all new users will have to link their on site profile manually in the discord channel in order to obtain the member role.

Kicking It Old School, We Got Cbox ;)

Feeling nostalgic I decided to go ahead and open us a cbox. This will be implemented to the current theme temporarily but will be integrated into the new theme (see revamp details) in the good ol' fashion "popup" style. No one is required to chat in there but for those of you that miss the old days, 50x50 icons, and the sound of a new message we got you! ;)

Revamp Announcement

E is not being neglected, I promise, I’m just working on revamp things while simultaneously keeping up with real life and online ventures that pay my bills. My lack of in character posting is because I spend most of my time working on the revamp stuff when I have some spare time to give E love, I do apologize. Summertime is always a pain in my rump time wise but the older I get the more I have piled on my plate. Adulting really does suck.

Since we opened in February we have received feedback and suggestions that are being implemented/reworked. However, all of this progression is happening on a development site version of E, you will not see live changes otherwise you’d be running into all my chaotic screwups. Not to mention some of the new coding will certainly cause serious problems with the current live version, so working on the live site would be a terrible idea. There will be new additions and fun things added to progress characters forward, i.e. giving you something else to do when you’re not plotting. I also hope that these new incentives will play a large role in the way E does progress “world” wise.

We will remain in “relaxed mode” until the revamp is officially released. Date is unknown but more details about the revamp are included in the document linked below. It is likely that the document will change with additions or clarifications as time goes on, so you can always come back to see what is going on.

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