[BETA - W1] Accomplishments & Magic Release Event
it is i, the breaker of things
Week One of Beta
I did not expect the influx of activity but I, nor -safely assuming- all of us, are complaining. This is very exciting! With 16 activated characters we've made 91 in character posts. The UCE count has gone up to 1560 which means we only have 440 more to go before our first realm expansion event occurs. Persona alignments lean most with Lawful Good as of right now. So our first realm is likely to mimic this in some way.

Share us with your friends, and well anyone really, to get us a boost. Here’s our deviantArt ad and our toyhou.se ad if you want to copy and paste or share them.

Our NPC account is already causing chaos! Avonmora & Asmodeus Anemone unfortunately encountered a Hellhound and found themselves in a bad situation.

There's been a death in the family too. Abdullah Anemone fell to her demise when interacting with Esfir .

There will surely be lots more to come!

We're now listed on RPGfix and Top RolePlay Sites, both of which you can vote for us by clicking the green "vote" image in the affiliates footer on our main page!

Thanks to ThistleProse for suggesting an editable wiki by using our very own Wiki account. Absolute genius there because I was fumbling trying to figure out how to let every edit threads/posts within them only for the actual solution to be very simple.
- Areas however will still be released slowly as I work with xThreads to make it perfect.

Our members have decided that the inactive character time frame will be bumped from two months to four! This gives y'all more wiggle room, which is in alignment with our goal to be a relaxed stress free writing community.

Y'all shall soon have a button on threads you've participated in that has the capability of archiving them as soon as they are finished, which means your characters threadlogs will accurately display active vs closed threads!

Mechanic "Magic" Released! (EVENT)
Our first mechanic release is available; magic is now ready for use. We decided to get this started with a mini event but no participation is required in order to start using magic.

The event is smaller and mostly NPC in nature, with very little interaction but there is a “low danger” level set in the event thread. That means that participating in the actual event thread itself may leave your character susceptible to minor harm.

Enjoy! Have fun! And stay tuned for our next mechanic release!

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