Happy 3 Months!! - Printable Version

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Happy 3 Months!! - c.widow - 5/18/2023

Excuse me, we're three months old now?!
I am 2 days behind on this announcement but anyways....

I'd like to thank all of you for joining in on this different aspect equine rp. I truthfully wasn't sure how interested folks would be in something like this but its proving to be well worth the tears and sweat I put into this lmfao. I have a few plans to rework, add, and alter some of the things that just aren't working well for us at this time. We will continue to remain in relaxed mode until further notice but I'm going to add some extra perks to relaxed mode to encourage more use of these systems. ;) Particularly physical exchanges and altercations. Please don't forget we have feedback forms linked on the relaxed mode page. We want to hear your thoughts on the processes, mathematics, and whatever else you've got to say!

I've been a little busy with life the past couple weeks as summer approaches. If its not work its family stuff that keeps dragging me away but rest assured I still think of this place 24/7 lmao. I've got some plans in the making for reworking the theme/skin as some areas are untouched and other areas are confusing. Then of course theres the index page which will get a face lift to incorporate some more important things like lonely threads since they are only listed on a completely separate page right now. Changes will come but they will roll out slowly.

Also the handbook is still under maintenance. I'll be removing extra non-essential details to keep it slim and concise by moving those details to the aid center which seems more appropriate.

Anyways, I think I've blabbed enough for now. Moving on to some more points.

  1. 473 in character posts
  2. 174 pieces of consumed energy (soul shards lost)
  3. 4226 pieces of unconsumed energy (soul shards intact)
  4. 44 characters
Realm Expansion - Inferno Catacomb Chasms
We've hit 4000+ UCE which means a new realm is appearing, with it an SWP with some nice rewards. ;) Watch for the announcement for this release.