Relaxed Mode
3/31/23 to Present

The initial goal was to exit beta mode by the 1st of April 2023. But plans never go as planned, at least not for me anyways. Most systems have had little to no use and those that have have sparked some discussion about their mathematics and mechanical aspects. That is fine, that is exactly why we're in beta, and we will stay here as long as we need to before officiating anything!

We're going to call this indefinite beta time "Relaxed Mode" because relaxation with fun is what you're going to get. Enjoy the systems without some of the more permanent repercussions of their use.


  1. Game play is normal! Characters will continue to accrue PP and REP. LVL will continue to rise with post count and PP.

  2. Mechanics may change periodically if changes are deemed fit/necessary to fix issues or incorporate more necessities.

  3. Lost SS can be reset to their original states when relaxed mode is lifted (meaning lost SS from rolls are voided). This is up to you though! It is not a requirement.
    • This is a thank you for testing our systems and also to encourage folks to use these systems without worry of repercussions for their characters. Consider this your beta legacy prize.
    • Available resets from the date of opening (since the beginning of our time) and not limited to the start of relaxed mode.
    • If your character loses all of its shards during relaxed mode you can reset them to their initial state to keep going until relaxed mode is over (repeat the cycle if necessary lmfao).
    • You may also, if you wish, restore SS to 100 even if your character initially joined with less.

  4. The handbook will probably receive a few face lifts/changes to fix any vague areas or to make adjustments as needed.


If you participate in testing out mechanics please let us know if you have any suggestions, questions, or concerns by creating a thread in the Maintenance & Help board. All mechanics are transparent, you have access to view their details on calculations in the Aid Center.