one month in and going strong - Printable Version

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one month in and going strong - c.widow - 3/15/2023

Rewards and raffles available, don't miss out!

Holy smokes!

In one month (minus a day because I'm posting this a bit early) we’ve achieved 230+ posts! That’s roughly 8 posts per day. I’d like to thank you all for your creative contributions thus far by handing out a few in character rewards and some art!

We have opened up a feedback form on google for you to anonymously give constructive thoughts you have so far, things like: stuff that doesn't make sense (added clarification request), things that could use more details, suggestions, grievances, etc.). We will take everything into account but anything mentioned multiple times will have our full attention!

Lets take a look at our current game stats.

Top Activity
Esfir (22)
Abdullah Anemone (20)
Thuri Modeus Dragonblüd (19)
Asmodeus Anemone (15)
Eudoxia Valious (13)
1 extra small characters.
7 small characters.
15 medium characters.
3 large characters.
3 extra large characters.
Highest Prosperity
Abdullah Anemone (2)
Marais (2)
Soul States
28 characters with 75% or more.
1 characters between 50% and 74%.
0 characters between 25% and 49%.
0 characters with less than 25%.
1 active group.
Realm Stats
Consumed Energy: 87
Unconsumed Energy: 2813
Stability: 1 Realms w/ 2000 Required UCE
Active: 29
Inactive: 0
Deceased: 0
- w/ 26 Writers


Reward entries are separate meaning you can pick and choose the raffles you'd like to be apart of. These raffles are entered in to by MEMBERS only, if you're a winner you can hold on to the reward to use on a later date OR you can use it now! You don't have to pick a character to assign it to. These will be recorded in the wiki "Records & Data" board for reference.

NPC Fuck Off
A one time use "fuck off".

Express to the sky thy wish to be left alone and I will grant you such. - Essentia Mortis

Yeet the NPC into oblivion and carry out your thread in 'peace'.
Magic Craft w/ A Curse
A magical craft of your choice/idea that does not require actual rolling (auto absolute success) to create, though you will still need to act out the creation in character.

This item will have up to two uses BUT if it is stolen before the creator gets a chance to use it the thief will suffer severe consequences when they try to use it (it will not work and they will be harmed).
1d10 Prosperity
We roll a 1d10 and the outcome is how many prosperity points you can claim. These can be spread across multiple characters or just one.
Realm Collapse Safety Net
In the future if you have a character in a pickle, caught up in a realm collapse, this reward means you can turn it in to reverse death but not harm.

Recycle this code for each entry! Please don't combine them or my old eyes might skip something.
[b]Reward:[/b] what reward are you entering for

Art Raffle

If you have made more than 5 in character posts (does not include spawning) across your characters you can enter for a chance to get some free art!

Doodle For Artless
If you have a character(s) that have nothing (reference image not counted against you) you can enter!

This doodle will be produced by one of our very own members. ;)
Random Generated Payment Amount
If you stick your name in here I will randomly draw names.

From top to bottom I will go through and generate a price amount for art that I will purchase for you until I reach a max of $100 USD over the whole span. Increments of $10, $15, $20, $25 are used for the bot to select from.

Someone gave me $150 the other day for helping them and I figured I'd spread some of it back through the community!

Recycle this code for each entry! Please don't combine them or my old eyes might skip something.
[b]Raffle:[/b] what art raffle are you entering for
[b]Requirement Proof:[/b] if applicable provide it

All reward/raffle entries end 3/23.

RE: one month in and going strong - c.widow - 3/15/2023


Reward: NPC Fuck Off ... asmo really wants to yeet the hellhound, eye for an eye man, shits rough out here

Reward: 1d10 Prosperity

RE: one month in and going strong - Spoopi - 3/15/2023

Reward: 1d10 Prosperity

Reward: Magic Craft w/ a Curse

RE: one month in and going strong - Cootie - 3/15/2023

Reward: 1d10 Prosperity

Reward: Realm Collapse Safety Net

Raffle: Doodle For Artless
Requirement Proof: Marais has 10 posts!

RE: one month in and going strong - illegal - 3/15/2023

Reward: 1d10 prosperity

Reward: Magic craft w/ curse

RE: one month in and going strong - Rien - 3/15/2023

Reward: Magic Item w/ Curse

Reward: 1d10 Prosperity

Reward: Realm Collapse Safety Net

Raffle: Doodle for Artless
Requirement Proof: Alys and Esfir have sad empty profiles and more than 5 IC posts XD Look at Esfir at the top of that activity chart lol

Raffle: Randomly Generated Payment Amount
Requirement Proof: Esfir with his 22 fucking posts apparently XD

RE: one month in and going strong - Blumenkranz - 3/20/2023

Reward: NPC Fuck Off

Reward: Realm Collapse Safety Net

Raffle: Randomly Generated Payment Amount
Requirement Proof: 3 posts with Freyja, 3 with Eurydice, so 6 in total!

RE: one month in and going strong - c.widow - 3/23/2023

Working on generating outputs now! Will circle back with results.

RE: one month in and going strong - c.widow - 3/23/2023

You can see all rolls/choices in the #carl-pot channel on discord! If you would like to give your stuff away to someone else please respond below and tag them so they can go record them properly.

The following players have been chosen! Please go record your reward(s) here!

NPC FUCK OFF c.widow


1D10 PROSPERITY Rien (+7PP, you can spread this across several characters or just one)


Art Raffle
Please DM me on Discord to talk details! These are not recorded in the earned rewards thread linked above as they are external from the site.


RANDOM GENERATED PAYMENT AMOUNT (you can combine your total or spread it out across artists)
Rien = $10, $15, $25
Blumenkranz = $15, $25, $10

RE: one month in and going strong - Rien - 3/29/2023

I have taken too many things so I bequeath unto Spoopi the magic item and the prosperity to Cootie

Claimeth your things.