
In game currency is known as Gold but is sometimes referred to as Coin and on rare occasion some may call it something completely different. No matter the terminology its appearance is all the same and distinctly unique to this afterlife; golden in color, shimmering no matter the time of day, and imprinted with the shapes of two equine skulls surrounded by fine print designs. It cannot be forged or faked unless the recipient is a total fool.


  • Each account automatically starts with 200 gold pieces upon registration.
    • Members can transfer the 200 gold on their account to a character of their choosing but the character must be their own.

  • Transferring gold between characters requires in character interaction, aka writing. Every character must work for more gold through worldly activity (buy, sell, loan, gift, etc.).

  • Gold can be earned by in character activity and some out of character activity/achievements. More details on additional means of income is available in the Gold Bank.


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