Ethereal Reach
12/20/2024, 12:15 AM by Issachar Ragnulf
80 Posts
A land of mostly barren rock and eternal dusk, dominated by the mass of rock that many souls make their home. Flat, walkable roads wind up it's height from base to spire, though the top always seems just out of sight. Outcroppings of strange architecture merge randomly with organic rock and primitive stonework to create cavern openings. Some souls make their homes here, finding comfort in the never changing landscape. Others only come here to travel elsewhere, finding strange passageways through the mountain leading to other realms.
- The central hub of the Afterlife housing all internal realms, every internal realm is accessed by cavern systems within this mountain.
- Always bustling from the huge amount of souls living here. Shop owners, traders, foragemasters, and more make most of their living here. There will always be something going on.
- Eternal dusk setting with a mild temperature coming from the shores of The Depths and some days low winds bringing that salty smell.
Adamant Summit
11/7/2024, 11:55 AM by Valravn
61 Posts
The air is thin and chill on the heights of the Adamant Summit. There are now lowlands or hills, only perpetual rocky peaks dressed with snow regardless of season. Scattered tundra trees grow tall in the valleys, flanking rocky streams of icy water. On the higher slopes the trees are stunted and bent with the force of wind but only ever in the same direction. There is a subtle, unnatural symmetry to these places- the trees stand in rows, the mountains are each echoes of each other. The seasons march by here in slow, predictable measure - a parody of mortal alpine vista.
Inferno Catacomb Chasms
11/10/2024, 3:46 PM by Essentia Mortis
37 Posts
There is a network of deep foreboding chasms that stretch on forever; you can walk these for miles only to find yourself walking in circles. Everything in sight is damp and the humidity is overbearing. Against the walls of these chasms are structures littered throughout that are clearly not made by nature; these catacombs house ancient bones no longer intact but grown randomly into the rock. Sometimes it seems as if they move and wiggle through the rock like worms. Consistent showers of red fire leak through the tops, pouring against the main roadways. This fire is hotter than the sun and can melt flesh from bone in a matter of seconds. Built into the chasm's sides are cavern systems (great for seeking shelter from the rain) that connect all throughout but ultimately will lead you round and round if you're lucky enough to not encounter the ghostly figures with sharp teeth and red eyes.
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